Ready to Challenge Your Fears?

And Experience Life to Its Fullest

Before I begin, let’s briefly mention adaptability.

Though adaptability can be one of your greatest strengths, it can also be one of your greatest weaknesses. Because by adapting to a life situation long term simply to maintain a sense of security, despite leaving you feeling uninspired and drained, will over time deplete any feeling of well-being eventually affecting your physical health.

Adaptability can help us survive and make the best of any given situation. This is when adaptability is our friend. However, other times, adaptability allows us to avoid our fears, and thus, we miss out on many life experiences. This is when adaptability is a hindrance and prevents us from experiencing life to its fullest.

Are you ready to do something that most people avoid at all costs?  Challenge your fears! 

Most of our fears were developed irrationally. The fear of heights, for example, is something that we all have on some level. For others, it may be the fear of water or even nature itself.

Now consider this. How would you feel if you faced a fear and the end result was a feeling of success, accomplishment, and freedom from that fear?

How would that change your life, and in how many ways?

Are you afraid of public speaking, whether in large groups or small ones? Are you afraid to express your true feelings, no matter the assumed response?  Think about this. Does your fear stem from your authentic self or from your self-created ego?

The bottom line is that we can choose to allow our fears to govern our lives or face them and step to the other side at any time. But is what you fear truly your real fear? Aren’t we really talking about the fear of the unknown? 

Here is another way to look at it. In reality, we face the unknown on a daily basis just by being alive! So, every day, you are stepping to the other side of the unknown!

Now, let’s take a deep breath and, together, take a giant step forward and face our fears.

You need only think about one step at a time. Remember that if you believe in yourself, you can accomplish anything! 

The desire and determination to defeat your fears!

Challenge Your Fears Activity

Fear destroys optimal health and a sense of well-being faster than anything. But you are now in a position to face and conquer your fears once and for all!

Some fears develop over the years. For me, it was driving over tall bridges or mountain passes.

When I was younger, this was not a problem for me; in fact, I loved them! Yet, for some unknown reason, I slowly began to develop this fear, and over time, it became difficult to control because I would have physical reactions. My hands would become sweaty, my heartbeat would quicken along with my breath, and then came the emotions, tears and all. The sheer fear that I will… well… die.

How could this have happened? And for no apparent reason?

Depending on your current belief system, some (including myself) believe that it is due to a past life experience or remembrance. Others choose to believe that it is a warning from God or the work of something evil. Still, others believe it is simply a personal creation that has resulted in certain brain synapses firing and resulting in fear.

However, no matter your belief, you can still choose to succumb to fear or face it head-on. I chose the latter. After all, it is my life, and I want to enjoy every aspect of it freely.

One bridge in particular that caused distress was the Delaware Memorial Bridge, which separates Delaware and New Jersey on the east coast.

I don’t know if it was the tall beams rising up to the sky, the height of the bridge itself, or some combination, but I just knew I dreaded this bridge and all bridges that had a similar appearance.

Now, I often traveled between Virginia and Vermont, and in order to make the best of my time, I needed to drive over this bridge. Of course, I tried to avoid it when I could, and I would temporarily feel relieved. However, I began to feel a slight sense of envy toward those who could drive over it with no problem!

So, how could I really allow my fear of this bridge to control me after all I had been through?

Well, the bottom line is that I couldn’t. I decided to think of the nervousness of fear as excitement instead—granted, a whole lot of excitement! 

Over time, that’s exactly what I decided to do about my fear of bridges, especially that bridge! With this in mind, I decided that I was indeed going to drive over it, and I began pumping myself up to do so.  I anticipated how happy and satisfied I would feel once I got to the other side! Sure, I did a lot of supportive talking to myself and allowed only the positive inner chatter to shine through.

And guess what? I did it! I drove over that bridge!

And now, each time I drive over it, I need less self-encouragement. In fact, I recently actually looked out at the view from the top of the bridge! Now, I need to apply these same tactics as I drive over a few of the mountain passes that I once loved. because I am going to love them again!

So how about you? What fear would you like to step to the other side of?

It’s time to turn your fears into a Life List. Make a list of 5 – 10 things that you’d like to do if it weren’t for fear.

Begin this activity by picking one item from your list and choosing to face it head-on. Feel free to ask a close friend or family member to face your fear with you. But only if they are willing to offer nothing less than 100% positive support. Use some of the tools that you have learned from this program.  Think about deep breathing, positive inner chatter, the removal of assumptions, and the disallowance of unknown perceptions, and apply them all to this activity.

Once you have overcome one fear, move on to another on your list—ultimately, face them all!

Consider the following questions:

  • How did you feel as you made the choice to face your fear?
  • Did you find that the actual fear had become enlarged in your own mind?
  • If you are still unable to face the fear, did you come close to defeating it?  Will you try again?  Explain.
  • If you used the support of a buddy, are you now willing to face the challenge again alone?
  • Do you feel differently now that you have stepped to the other side of your fear?
  • As you faced and conquered each fear, did you find that it became easier with each one?
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