Often, we hold on to what we believe to be our passions. For example, in the article Flowing with Synchronicity to Live the Fullest Life, I shared my story of how I believed that martial arts was my passion, but during my healing journey, I realized that it was not.
Let’s try an activity that will help you revisit some of your passions that may have been put on the back burner or that you may have even lost touch with. Are you game?
Take some time and try to recall some of your greatest childhood passions.
What did you imagine as you stared at passing clouds? What did you dream about during the long nighttime hours?
Try to recapture some of your youthful chats with friends and what you may have revealed to them about your dreams and aspirations for adulthood.
Now, of course, we change as we grow and our passions often change as well. But this is not what I am referring to here.
What I am talking about are the images of dreams abandoned long ago that from time to time still pop up in your mind and make you smile.
The ones that make you think to yourself, “I wonder….”
My abandoned passions revolved around music, dancing, and the arts. Though my life was pleasurable without them, I found that when I incorporated dance aerobics into my life and eventually became an instructor, my soul filled with forgotten passions that added dimensions to my life that I could never have imagined.
The interesting thing here is that just going to a dance fitness class re-ignited that “feeling” of joy…the passion… I remembered as a child.
These feelings are rooted in your soul, and when you allow them to express…WOW! Amazing things begin to happen in all areas of your life—you feel alive!
Then comes the wonderment of your curiosity… “What else can I do?!”
So how about you? Do you have some abandoned passions that have been long forgotten?
Make A Life List!
This should be a special Life List that begins with at least 5 abandoned passions that you would like to revisit.
Or perhaps for you, it was running or playing baseball, rescuing animals, playing in a rock band, being a famous author, speaking seven languages, studying the sciences, traveling the world, or maybe you even aspired to be a famous chef! 😉
Once you have made your list, you need to decide how you want to incorporate one, a few, or all of your once-hidden passions into your life.
Perhaps your love for cooking still burns, but you no longer (at least at this moment) desire to open a restaurant. Why not take a few cooking classes and see where it leads you?
Maybe you could start a website blog entitled “The Clever Chef’s Perspective” where you offer smart and cheeky analyses of the latest new dishes. This would fulfill your desire to enlighten the world with your commentary on the best and worst of the world’s cuisine.
Whatever your passions, this Life List is going to lead to some interesting changes in your life!
Hello! I’m Dr. Michelle Kmiec, and I’ve always been a passionate student of life. I live by the motto that life’s journey should be a flowing river of knowledge, assistance, self-improvement, and, above all – laughter!
However, life has thrown me some major obstacles as well! That is where the real changes and growth occur.
While in school at Northwestern Health Sciences University School of Chiropractic, I experienced extreme symptoms of an autoimmune condition. Consequently, I researched extensively to find a holistic treatment for my condition. This led me to explore the connection between emotions, stress, inflammation, and their impact on health.
As the creator of Online Holistic Health for over 15 years, I experienced a transformational process, which eventually led to the birth of Escape Limitations.
Through my life experiences, I’ve come to understand the significance of aspects such as the balance between the energy and frequency of emotions and the relationship with health and well-being. The phrase “escape limitations,” which I wrote down years ago, has become incredibly impactful in my life... Read More
Hello! I’m Dr. Michelle Kmiec, and I’ve always been a passionate student of life. I live by the motto that life’s journey should be a flowing river of knowledge, assistance, self-improvement, and, above all – laughter!
However, life has thrown me some major obstacles as well! That is where the real changes and growth occur.
While in school at Northwestern Health Sciences University School of Chiropractic, I experienced extreme symptoms of an autoimmune condition. Consequently, I researched extensively to find a holistic treatment for my condition. This led me to explore the connection between emotions, stress, inflammation, and their impact on health.
As the creator of Online Holistic Health for over 15 years, I experienced a transformational process, which eventually led to the birth of Escape Limitations.
Through my life experiences, I’ve come to understand the significance of aspects such as the balance between the energy and frequency of emotions and the relationship with health and well-being. The phrase “escape limitations,” which I wrote down years ago, has become incredibly impactful in my life... Read More
When we put limitations on ourselves, it only limits our life’s unlimited potential. ‘Escape limitations’ is about breaking those misguided beliefs and perceptions to unmask our authentic selves.