We all have many types of friends, some make us laugh, others offer amazing advice, and then there are those we know we can count on no matter what the situation. There are also those who are constantly negative about anything and everything. Though these pessimistic friends completely drain our energy, for some reason we continue to maintain their friendships.
But eventually, the day comes when we realize that these types of relationships are actually detrimental to our health because the negativity and drama finally just become too much to bear. So we distance ourselves from these friends who do not give us life, and then are surprised by the sense of relief that comes from freeing ourselves from the negative energy!
Haven’t we all had people in our lives just like this, and experienced the relief that comes with letting go? So why is it that we continue to put up with all of the negative talk within ourselves? If you think about all the negative chatter that can endlessly occupy your mind, is it any wonder that it is difficult to make the necessary changes for you to live a healthier life?
Let me illustrate just how annoying our inner chatter truly is!
Have you ever tried to give all of your attention to someone, only to find that you could not stop the onslaught of meaningless chatter in your mind?
“I can’t believe she is still talking to me.”
“What was that about a box of macaroons? I’m hungry, of course, I am because I’m fat. I should diet… I am always on a diet, but never see any changes.”
“Ugh, my back hurts.”
“I get knocked down, but I get up again… you’re never gonna keep me down..”
“What’s the name of that song?”
“What was HER name again?”
“Just look at her shirt! I can’t believe anyone would wear such a thing, LOL. She should lose some weight to wear that. I’d never wear that because I’m fat.”
“Well, tomorrow I need to get that…wait what is today? I forget, must be menopause.”
“I feel old today. I should sleep more…as if that will help.”
“I get knocked down, but I get up again…”
“I’m hungry, where are those macaroons? I bet there aren’t any! I wonder if there is anything else to eat around here…maybe those puff things?”
“…you’re never gonna keep me down..”
“What’s the name of that song?”
“I bet she thinks I’m fat.”
“I could actually workout now if she’d just stop talking, blah, blah, blah…”
“Look at that! When she moves her upper lip her face wrinkles….does mine do that? I better go check!”
Sound familiar?
Now imagine that there was a real person standing behind you actually talking to you like that – constantly! You know you would not put up with that nonsense. Yet, we endure this voice nearly 24 hours a day. Think I’m kidding?
Really pay attention to that voice next time you wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom…
“Ugh, I have to go to the bathroom.”
“Maybe if I go back to sleep I won’t have to go anymore.”
“This is so uncomfortable, but if I go I’ll wake up and it’s so hard to fall back to sleep.”
“I don’t want to disturb the cat…awwwww…isn’t she cute! She never has to go to the bathroom at night. At least I don’t think she does, but I’m asleep, so I guess I don’t really know.”
“But I know this, I have to go.”
“Did I turn off the dryer? I can’t believe I can’t remember. I wouldn’t want a fire. I better check when I’m up.”
“I love squirrels”
“I get knocked down, but I get up again…you’re never gonna keep me down..”
“Oh nooo…Not that song again!”
“Okayyyyyy, I’ll get up and go to the bathroom, what else was I going to do?”
“It’s 3 am! I only have a few more hours to sleep, that is if I can get back to sleep. I didn’t have this problem years ago.”
“I’m hot. I should open the window when I’m up.”
“Guess I’ll eat something too. Maybe a macaroon”
“Terry! That’s it! That’s her name! I have to remember it…Terry, Terry, Terry, Terry, Terry…”
“…you’re never gonna keep me down..”
“What’s the name of that song!”
You get the picture, the chatter never ends!
But don’t worry – I have a sure-fire way to instantly stop that chatter, and I promise that you will be amazed. Ready?
Right now, give your full attention to your inner voice and listen to exactly what it is saying.
Notice anything?
Yeah, that’s right! You couldn’t hear anything! Though it only lasts for a few seconds, wasn’t it a joy to live in that silence? Kind of makes you wonder where this voice really comes from if when just by observing it, it disappears.
And this brings us to your next activity.
Stop The Negative Self Chatter Instantly Activity
Every time your voice takes on a negative tone, or simply becomes just too much to bear, apply this new technique and listen to your internal voice. Other modes of observation work just as well.
Simply think to yourself,
“I’m listening, what was that?”
“LOL, you can be as negative as you want, but I am choosing not to listen.”
“I choose to love myself and be my biggest fan, and that cynical talk is ridiculous and no longer serves me”
Whatever affirmative language you choose to use will work. The point is to learn to control that inner voice at any given moment. And the more often you use this technique, the longer you can keep the negative chatter at bay.
Your inner chatter should be supportive of you, not sabotage you!
Everyday, make a note of the times that you experience this inner chatter and answer the following questions:
What is the tone of the voice?
How often is the voice negative? Positive?
Do you find that there are times that are more difficult than others to silence your voice? Easier?
Monitor your progress of silencing the negative chatter. After awhile, you will begin to notice the chatter begins to take on a more positive tone overall!
Hello! I’m Dr. Michelle Kmiec, and I’ve always been a passionate student of life. I live by the motto that life’s journey should be a flowing river of knowledge, assistance, self-improvement, and, above all – laughter!
However, life has thrown me some major obstacles as well! That is where the real changes and growth occur.
While in school at Northwestern Health Sciences University School of Chiropractic, I experienced extreme symptoms of an autoimmune condition. Consequently, I researched extensively to find a holistic treatment for my condition. This led me to explore the connection between emotions, stress, inflammation, and their impact on health.
As the creator of Online Holistic Health for over 15 years, I experienced a transformational process, which eventually led to the birth of Escape Limitations.
Through my life experiences, I’ve come to understand the significance of aspects such as the balance between the energy and frequency of emotions and the relationship with health and well-being. The phrase “escape limitations,” which I wrote down years ago, has become incredibly impactful in my life... Read More
Hello! I’m Dr. Michelle Kmiec, and I’ve always been a passionate student of life. I live by the motto that life’s journey should be a flowing river of knowledge, assistance, self-improvement, and, above all – laughter!
However, life has thrown me some major obstacles as well! That is where the real changes and growth occur.
While in school at Northwestern Health Sciences University School of Chiropractic, I experienced extreme symptoms of an autoimmune condition. Consequently, I researched extensively to find a holistic treatment for my condition. This led me to explore the connection between emotions, stress, inflammation, and their impact on health.
As the creator of Online Holistic Health for over 15 years, I experienced a transformational process, which eventually led to the birth of Escape Limitations.
Through my life experiences, I’ve come to understand the significance of aspects such as the balance between the energy and frequency of emotions and the relationship with health and well-being. The phrase “escape limitations,” which I wrote down years ago, has become incredibly impactful in my life... Read More
When we put limitations on ourselves, it only limits our life’s unlimited potential. ‘Escape limitations’ is about breaking those misguided beliefs and perceptions to unmask our authentic selves.